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Runway GIS Panel
Oct. 8, 2022 Oct. 8, 2022
Technologies :

Runway GIS Panel

Web based panel is created for monitoring the quality of pavement surface and measuring the damaged surface of airstrips in a year in order to allow airplane companies to put their best effort in taking care of pavement surface. After 3 years data mining and using AI (Artificial Intelligence) the system would afford anticipation about what neccecary actions must be taken into consideration, in order to keep the pavement surface as well as first day and stops quality reduction

It must be mentioned that this website was developed for Imam Khomeini airplane

• This panel is implemented with “Openlayer” and using the Google Map

• Some pined photos are defined on the map which illustrates the damaged surfaces

• This panel is inspired from an American website and has been built by Nik Tech team in Iran for the first time